Protexure Tips: Team Building

October 1, 2013
As an accounting firm, you realize that working as a team is essential to the health and efficiency of your business. Sure, you’ve done team building activities such as scavenger hunts and tug of rope, but how effective are these activities after the first time? Try something new with one of the following out-of-the-box team building activities. 1. Involve a charity Fundraisers are a great way for members of your team to come together for a single cause. Instead of having a traditional event raising money for a certain charity, why not directly contribute to it? For example, set up a bike build for underprivileged children. Have your staff get into small groups and assemble bikes together. Partners, seniors, and juniors can all connect in a way completely differently than they do in the office, while making a tangible difference in the community. 2. Engage employees in different ways Whether it be a physical, cognitive, or an ice-breaker, changing up the types of activities is a smart move. Keeping the activities fresh and different can stimulate employees and help you learn the most about your team. Work the different activities into your monthly budget in order to get the most out of your employees. 3. Beware of costly activities Price does not always equal efficiency when it comes to team building. Costly activities, such as interactive workshops, must be evaluated extensively. Most of these activities have been reviewed online, so take advantage of the information at your fingertips. High-priced team building activities might not be right for your firm. The nature of your team will dictate the type of team-building your firm should pursue. If you feel that your firm needs more camaraderie, try something like a charity bike build. If you feel that people need to become educated on a certain subject, try a team workshop. The possibilities are endless. If you are a small CPA firm, visit ourwebsite or call us at (888) 803-9898 for a quick, free quote on Liability Insurance for your firm. Also, be sure to visit us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter, and of course keep up to date with our WordPress Blog!

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