How To’s of A Social Networking Policy – Tip #8

July 5, 2011
This week's tip focuses in on friending and linking with business associates.  We all like to think of our clients as friends, however, it is best to keep the two separate. Tip #8 - Friending and Linking.  Social networking sites often vary between personal and business in their orientation.  With respect to clients it is best to keep the relationship to business.  Clients usually view their trusted professional in a business setting and it is most often best to keep it that way.   Many people have friends that may not share the same views or level of good judgment.  Keeping clients on the business side of social networking can help avoid uncomfortable situations and even conflicts.  We ask that you friend and link to the firm. For more information on Protexure Accountants visit our website at or click on this link for policy information on Protexure Accountants Professional Liability Insurance.

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